Tuesday, June 19, 2007

Player Profile


Eng Eu said...


Alison said...

ooo. jeremy!

Jeremy said...

Erm..!! This pic suxx..


May May said...

hey...haha. I came to this page...I think you wouldn't have expected it. Anyway, cool!

jun said...

errr.... wateva lah

jun said...

erm.. u asked me to leave as many comments as i like.. so im gonna leave 5!! fine with you? hahaha!!

jun said...

cool... wat should i write... hmm... ok u mind if i do some cyber nagging? hahaah!! oh ya remember to bring your homework and FINISH IT!!

jun said...

okay... erm why ponteng skool on saturday?? our class no ketua u know??

jun said...

oh shit WAT TO WRITE??? erm.. oh ya... erm wat again... ah wateva

jun said...

okok... i better stop nagging now.. back to game... stay cool!!!

xinlin_cYndiii said...

i'm soryy but dat pic is a lil' gay..
change pic lar...
tot u got a lot??

xinlin_cYndiii said...

but although he is a lil gay...
he is a great football player...
knew him since we're in kindergarden...
definitely a great friend!!

Star Bucaneer said...

Haha, Jem has lotsa fans =P

Jeremy said...

hahah!! this thing is getting abit lame alreadi...i see that eng eu is my no.1 fan!! YAY!!

Chloe said...

That pic is quite dramatic and.. a bit gay.. So, u should really change.. Put a cooler pic.. *wink*

**Pingo here!**

Xin Yi said...

jeremyyY!!! my brotherrr!!! you look like you're praying in this picture!! (im not gonna say you look like gay.. cause everyone said tht already) hehe. anyway, you inspire me to pray!! xD leave more comments for me too, jemmy! xD